Saturday, May 14, 2011

A morning at the Louvre

 A full day at the Louvre takes a whole lot more stamina than I possess. We settled for a lovely long morning in the Egyptian galleries and the ancient land of the pharaohs. The Louvre is, after all, all about glorious wretched excess. Why settle for a sarcophagus or two when literally dozens are available? Why not whole cases of ancient musical instruments, to include lutes, mandolins, and clappers with carved ivory hands? Or a pile of ancient silver bowls found at an Egyptian dig with a provenance no one understands?

The Louvre opens at 9am every morning except Tuesdays to an already lined-up host of tourists both French and otherwise. There are other entrances with shorter lines, but you'll wait at all of them. The hold-up is actually the security check--you can buy your tickets pretty rapidly at the kiosks under the pyramid.

The galleries fill up as the day progresses. We've found since that entering the museum late afternoonish works best as the galleries are less full, and you no longer have to view objects around and through other visitors. My only complaint is that the drawings and prints rooms are currently closed. Drat!

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